The Septic Tank Man

A septic tanks resource for homeowners

Septic Tips

Preserving Sweet History: Freeze-Dried Candy and Sustainable Home Treats

Freeze-dry your favorite treats like candy at home to extend their shelf life using sustainable methods. Invest in a small home freeze-dryer available at the Space-Man online store to effortlessly preserve your sugary delights. Package the frozen treats using reusable silicone bags or eco-friendly containers to minimize waste and keep them fresh for longer. Consult resources on sustainable innovations in home preservation to explore more eco-friendly approaches that benefit both the …

Septic Tank Guides

How Vaping and Septic Tank Innovations Enhance Our Environment

Vaping and septic tank innovations might seem like they’re worlds apart, but they’re both playing a part in pushing forward environmental sustainability. In recent years, most vaping companies have joined the sustainability movement by adopting eco-friendly practices in their production and packaging processes, demonstrating a growing awareness of the industry’s impact on the environment.
In this discussion, we’re diving into how these two seemingly unrelated topics are enhancing our environment, each in its own unique way.
A Shift from Traditional Smoking…

Septic Tips

Average Lifespan of a Septic System

Septic systems are crucial components of households that are not connected to a centralized sewer system. However, their lifespan is influenced by a range of factors, and while a 20-30-year lifespan is typical in Canada, proper maintenance can extend that.
Let’s have a look at these factors:
Usage Volume
The amount of wastewater generated by a household directly correlates with the stress on the septic system. For instance, families that do multiple loads of laundry per day, have long showers or use a dishwasher frequently will introduce more water into the septic system.
If you are planning to expand your …

Septic Tank Guides

How Much is Too Much? Determining the Right Fullness for Your Septic Tank

As long as it’s working correctly, your septic tank should be filled to just below the level of the outlet pipe. This pipe transports effluent to the absorption field which helps maintain appropriate liquid levels within the tank.
Generally, the liquid should sit about 12 inches below the tank’s top. If it exceeds the height of the outlet pipe, you’re likely dealing with a blocked drain field and need to take immediate action.
Signs Your Septic Tank is Overloaded
Sometimes, you might not be able to tell if your septic tank is overloaded right away. To help you with that, here are the signs that you want…

Septic Tank Guides

Tips for Properly Maintaining Your Septic Tank to Make It Last Longer

Septic tanks are essential components of rural and suburban wastewater treatment systems, providing a self-contained way to manage household waste.
While relatively low-maintenance, these systems do require regular attention to ensure their longevity and functionality.
If you want to properly maintain your septic tank, here are some tips you want to follow:
Regular Inspection and Pumping
The most crucial aspect of maintaining a septic tank is having it inspected and pumped by a professional every 3-5 years. The frequency depends on various factors, such as the tank’s size, the number of people in the …